Vocabulary Enrichment #1
Myriad -noun- Definition: a countless or extremely great number.
Sentence: A myriad of ducks flew towards me as I took out my bread.
Innocuous -adjective- Definition: not harmful or offensive.
Sentence: Bill acted very innocuous towards the innocent children.
Feign -verb- Definition: pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury).
Sentence: Debra plans to feign after getting poked by her grandfather.
Temerity -noun- Definition: excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.
Sentence: Tom did not have the temerity to tell the truth to his mother.
Affront -noun- Definition: an action or remark that causes outrage or offense.
Sentence: Grandpa was in a huge affront when he found his dentures missing
Acquiesce - verb- Definition: accept something reluctantly but without protest.
Sentence: Acuiesce you final school grade, it's a relection of the work you put in.
Interim -noun- Definition: in or for the intervening period; provisional or temporary.
Sentence: Sally lost hers keys so she had to wait outside for the interim.
Trepidation -noun- Definition: a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.
Sentence: Bob was in trepidation of his car being stolen after leaving the public parking.
Alleviate -verb- Definition: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
Sentence: My grandpa made funny faces to my baby brother to elicit some sort of laughter.
Exacerbate -verb- Definition: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
Sentence: The touchdown caused a tumultuous crown.
Bolster (use as a verb only) Definition: a long, thick pillow that is placed under other pillows for support.
Sentence: The lifter had to bolster his feet when lifting off the weights.
Cajole -verb- Definition: persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.
Sentence: My had to cajole me to get me to the concert this week.
Clandestine -adjective- Definition: kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.
Sentence: She did not want to offend her mother so kept a clandestine love affair.
Ameliorate -verb- Definition: make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better
Sentence: Changing the graphic card on the computer did ameliorate the performance.
Cessation -verb- Definition: the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.
Sentence: Brian had to give in to the cessation of smoking because it was breathing had got worse.
Proliferation -noun- Definition: rapid increase in numbers.
Sentence: The proliferation of taxes caused stress among everyone.
Fervent -adjective- Definition: having or displaying a passionate intensity.
Sentence: Tom was fervent after winning the tennis tournament.
Ubiquitous -adjective- Definition: present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Sentence: The Toyota Prius became the ubiquitous car that year.
Sweltering -adjective- Definition: uncomfortably hot.
Sentence: His grandpa died from a heat stroke from the sweltering heat.
Extraneous -adjective- Definition: irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.
Sentence: The comedians joke was extraneous and inappropriate to the situation at hand.
Recalcitrant -adjective- Definition: having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline.
Sentence: The substitute felt stressed teaching the recalcitrant kindergartners.
Schadenfreude -noun- Definition: pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.
Sentence: It gave me a sense of schadenfreude seeing my neighbor slip on a bar of soap.
Malleable -adjective- Definition: easily influenced; pliable.
Sentence: A infants head is very malleable.
Augment -verb- Definition: make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.
Sentence: Sally decided to add strawberries to augment the favor of her fruit shake.
Debauchery -noun- Definition: excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.
Sentence: The pimp lived a life of crime and debauchery.
Decadence -noun- Definition: moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.
Sentence: The millionaires life of decadence led him to bankruptcy.
Presumptive -adjective- Definition: of the nature of a presumption; presumed in the absence of further information.
Sentence: John's presumptive nature led him to a wrong exit on the freeway.
Sentence: A myriad of ducks flew towards me as I took out my bread.
Innocuous -adjective- Definition: not harmful or offensive.
Sentence: Bill acted very innocuous towards the innocent children.
Feign -verb- Definition: pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury).
Sentence: Debra plans to feign after getting poked by her grandfather.
Temerity -noun- Definition: excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.
Sentence: Tom did not have the temerity to tell the truth to his mother.
Affront -noun- Definition: an action or remark that causes outrage or offense.
Sentence: Grandpa was in a huge affront when he found his dentures missing
Acquiesce - verb- Definition: accept something reluctantly but without protest.
Sentence: Acuiesce you final school grade, it's a relection of the work you put in.
Interim -noun- Definition: in or for the intervening period; provisional or temporary.
Sentence: Sally lost hers keys so she had to wait outside for the interim.
Trepidation -noun- Definition: a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.
Sentence: Bob was in trepidation of his car being stolen after leaving the public parking.
Alleviate -verb- Definition: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
Sentence: The doctor had to lift the patients leg to alleviate the pain.
Stagnant -adjective- Definition: showing no activity; dull and sluggish.
Sentence: Everybody was stagnant after the 80 mile canyon hike.
Elicit -verb- Definition: evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions or questions.Sentence: My grandpa made funny faces to my baby brother to elicit some sort of laughter.
Exacerbate -verb- Definition: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
Sentence: Holding in your feelings in some cases can exacerbate you mood later on.
Tumultuous -adjective- Definition: making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.Sentence: The touchdown caused a tumultuous crown.
Bolster (use as a verb only) Definition: a long, thick pillow that is placed under other pillows for support.
Sentence: The lifter had to bolster his feet when lifting off the weights.
Cajole -verb- Definition: persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.
Sentence: My had to cajole me to get me to the concert this week.
Clandestine -adjective- Definition: kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.
Sentence: She did not want to offend her mother so kept a clandestine love affair.
Ameliorate -verb- Definition: make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better
Sentence: Changing the graphic card on the computer did ameliorate the performance.
Cessation -verb- Definition: the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.
Sentence: Brian had to give in to the cessation of smoking because it was breathing had got worse.
Proliferation -noun- Definition: rapid increase in numbers.
Sentence: The proliferation of taxes caused stress among everyone.
Fervent -adjective- Definition: having or displaying a passionate intensity.
Sentence: Tom was fervent after winning the tennis tournament.
Ubiquitous -adjective- Definition: present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Sentence: The Toyota Prius became the ubiquitous car that year.
Sweltering -adjective- Definition: uncomfortably hot.
Sentence: His grandpa died from a heat stroke from the sweltering heat.
Extraneous -adjective- Definition: irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.
Sentence: The comedians joke was extraneous and inappropriate to the situation at hand.
Recalcitrant -adjective- Definition: having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline.
Sentence: The substitute felt stressed teaching the recalcitrant kindergartners.
Schadenfreude -noun- Definition: pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.
Sentence: It gave me a sense of schadenfreude seeing my neighbor slip on a bar of soap.
Malleable -adjective- Definition: easily influenced; pliable.
Sentence: A infants head is very malleable.
Augment -verb- Definition: make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.
Sentence: Sally decided to add strawberries to augment the favor of her fruit shake.
Debauchery -noun- Definition: excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.
Sentence: The pimp lived a life of crime and debauchery.
Decadence -noun- Definition: moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.
Sentence: The millionaires life of decadence led him to bankruptcy.
Presumptive -adjective- Definition: of the nature of a presumption; presumed in the absence of further information.
Sentence: John's presumptive nature led him to a wrong exit on the freeway.
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