Classmate profile rough draft

Frantically searching through his pockets, a ticket was of no avail to boarding his long gone train heading to Busan, Korea.

In the following seconds, Edwin had to act quick to decide on the way to get back to his international travel group.

He then decided to jump on the first train that was departing to Busan--a 50/50 shot of meeting up with his classmates.

This was one of many predicaments that Edwin has encountered while travelling internationally.

"I gained an interest in travelling in 2013, whilst visiting my cousin in London, it opened up my wanderlust for traveling," Edwin stated.

Edwin holds traveling as well has photography close to him, with each complementing with each other as his hobbies.

As Edwin would leave to these travels his mother would also tell him, "Make sure to bring back me a souviner,"fully supporting his trips.  


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