Personality profile search
Which profiles did you consider?
Some profiles that I considered were "Travels with Eisenlauer", "Traveling through the depths", and "He didn't sweat the college debt".
Why did this profile stand out over the others?
"He didn't sweat the college debt" stood out the most for me. College for a lot of students can be stressing. But to hear a student not sweating over it drew me in.
Why did the lead draw you into the story?
The lead was fairly good but it was the next stanza me more in following the first. It stated his "mother died in her sleep, and he became homeless by the time he was 18-years-old." That sentence alone delivered an impact of emotion.
What's the focus of the story?
The focus was Devon Coombs getting through his struggles and achieving his completion of college.
What's your favorite quote?
“I think at one point along the line he really just decided. He made a very real decision that he would get out of it." This quote was very motivational and held a lot of inspiration.
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